Creating Memorable Bookmarks to Spread Brand Awareness

21st Aug 2024

Creating Memorable Bookmarks to Spread Brand Awareness

                  Custom-Printed Bookmarks with Tassels

Why do bookmarks, like business cards, frequently make lists of “top marketing materials?”

Well, in a word, they are effective and affordable.

That is when you take the time to design them right and print them on quality materials in such a way that captures and empowers your brand.

With that said, here are some tips for creating promotional bookmarks to support your marketing efforts.

Define, Then Understand, Your Target Market

You may have heard it said, “all publicity is good publicity.” Or perhaps you’ve heard some variant but the message is the same.

We’re not entirely sure we agree. We think that marketing should be targeted - to your audience and to your audience only. Attracting attention from the wrong market will end up in a lot of flops and lost leads that never convert. Those are wasted resources.

Instead, think about your goals. Are you trying to raise funds for a non-profit? Are you responsible for a charity’s brand management? Are you simply trying to reach new customers for a business and drive sales?

Figure out the buyer persona whom you wish to attract before designing marketing resources. Then you will create more effective marketing materials and waste less.

See It from Your Customer’s Perspective

Once you have adumbrated an ideal buyer persona, try to see it from that person’s perspective - not from yours.

Of course, you want to drive sales or raise awareness - but what do your targets want? You’re not here to appeal to yourself, but to them.

What value can your organization offer? What reason do they have to contribute money or vocal support?

These are the things to determine before creating bookmarks - or any marketing materials.

Include Your Mission Statement and Vision

Next, make sure you include your mission statement or vision, or both.

What is your goal? It can’t simply be to generate revenue. If that’s how the customer sees it, he or she likely won’t be willing to contribute.

Instead, place your mission and vision front and center. Are you trying to create a world in which no furry friends go without adoption? Are you raising money to end hunger?

If you’re in a for-profit position, consider your messaging. It’s not to sell, but to solve a problem.

For instance, do you sell books? You’re not selling books, you’re educating, one person at a time. Or perhaps your organization envisions a world in which there are no bare shelves, or in which all books are printed on acid-free paper so they last longer.

That’s the sort of thing that appears more genuine and invested and can attract attention.

Print in Full-Color

We also suggest printing in full color as this gives you the best ability to catch your target market’s attention if and when they actually happen to use your bookmarks.

Pay close attention to the linear and geometric elements of your bookmarks, as well as the fonts you use for the text. These, like the colors you use, should be aligned as closely as possible with your brand. We also suggest including your logo as an image on the bookmarks.

The only exception to this “full-color” rule is if your brand is black and white. In that case, black and white will work best to preserve fidelity to your brand experience.

Catch Their Attention (Consider Custom-Printed Bookmarks with Tassels)

                      Custom-Printed Bookmarks with Tassels

Colors and logos are not the only way to catch the attention of your target audience. Other niceties can be used to capture their attention, too.

Consider creating custom-printed bookmarks with tassels. If you work with us to create custom-printed bookmarks with tassels, you can select two types of tassels (chainette and floss) and we enable you to upload and customize your imagery, too.

Little features like these (which you might otherwise look right over) will make your bookmarks more visible while also making them more functional to any recipients that actually use them for their intended purpose.

Tug at Their Heartstrings, Use Imagery

Custom-designed bookmarks always benefit from a little imagery that elicits emotions. For instance, if you’re raising money or awareness for an animal shelter, throw in your best imagery of cats and dogs - dog bookmarks (available in a wide range of themes) also work well for this.

Consider the cause that drives your organization, either for profit or charity, and create some bookmarks printed with custom imagery that makes an emotional appeal as well as a rational one.

Don’t Overdo the Text

Text can be a good thing - in a limited fashion. If text occupies space as a call to action (see below), urgency play, mission or vision statement, contact information, or motto - then its effect is likely to be positive.

Otherwise, you might be overdoing it. These are not booklets, pamphlets, or even one-page fliers. They are bookmarks, and highly sensitive to oversaturation. No one has the interest or attention to read a whole paragraph printed on a bookmark, and moreover, that would be space wasted where you could have printed imagery.

Make Sure They Can Reach You

Now here is one area in which text is not only a good thing but is necessary. It is important that the members of your target audience that actually end up with your custom-printed bookmarks with tassels in hand can reach you.

Include addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and any other particulars you want leads to be aware of so they can contact you with questions, concerns, or of course, interest in your products and services.

               Custom-Printed Bookmarks with Tassels

Never Miss a Call to Action

Another good use of text is in the form of a call to action. This is a short command or quip that actually instructs your viewers and users on how to act and why. It can be an emotional appeal or a simple command.

A call to action in simple marketing parlance can be as simple as “Buy Now!” but that is overly simple to be effective as a call to action on a custom bookmark as a marketing tool.

Instead, consider calls to action that are specific to your goals. “End Hunger,” “Save the Earth,” or “Stop Single-Plastic Use Today,” - are good calls to action that are much more direct and specific.

See the image of bookmarks a few sections above. One of them says “An AIDS-Free Generation Is Within Our Reach.” This is another tactic known as an urgency play. It places the onus of responsibility on the reader - he or she is a part of this collective and can influence whether or not the next generation will be AIDS-free.

It also bids the viewer to investigate further, which is exactly what the marketing designer who created that bookmark wants.

These are the sorts of calls to action and urgency plays you want to include with your promotional materials, bookmarks, and otherwise.

Grow Your Business!

Ready to print personalized bookmarks that capture your brands, promote your products, raise awareness about your causes, and encourage members of your target market to act and get involved?

Start here and contact us at 1-727-275-8111 if you need help designing bookmarks, want to know what the price includes, or simply have any questions.

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